Ask HN: Digital License (Apple, Google) Privacy Issue?

1 points by nox101 8 hours ago | 0 comments

I recently setup my digital drivers license in my Apple Wallet as Apple just added that feature. Only to realize, this seems like a privacy nightmare?

If I understand correctly, the person who wants to know if I'm who I say I am and if I'm a certain age, has me touch my phone to their device. They then, at a minimum, record my name and age (and more?) Where as if I use my card license, unless it's for a doctors office or something, usually nothing is recorded.

In other words, if I use the digital license, every bar I go to and get IDed, every time I buy alcohol at a liquor store and get IDed, will call get recorded. Sure, I get recorded at the airport because I'm already recorded by the flight ticket but this new digital license just adds a order of magnitude or more ways to have my activity recorded.

Am I wrong?